Both of these extracts are located in grassy and open locations, meaning that players are likely to hide and wait for extracting players. NOTE: The lever to open the Object 14 container can be found within the extractionĮvery player will have access to either Emercon Checkpoint or Railway Exfil every raid, depending on where they initially spawned. Swipe 11SR Keycard at the revealed keycard pannel Flush urinal in the "burger spot" restaurantģ. Here's a list of all the extracts along with the requirements: EXTRACT REQUIREMENT Emercon Checkpoint - Hole in the Fence No backpack equipped Power Station Vehicle Exit (V-Ex) ₽5000 per player - maximum of four players Railway Exfilġ. However, Interchange extracts are relatively easy to remember, unfortunately, they can be dangerous as they are the easiest extracts to successfully camp due to the open space and concealment. Priceless loot is worthless if you can't extract it, especially when you've spent forty minutes being weighed down and running at a minimal pace to an extract you can't locate. Escape from Tarkov Interchange extracts.
Hopefully, you will understand how to fully maximise profits and dog tags, ripping both from the enemy you slaughtered in the name of survivorship, allowing you to comfortably operate around the map through reaping its rewards and causing havoc. Within this guide, we are going to offer you the key to survival within Escape from Tarkov's Interchange, giving tips on the best loot spots, extractions, scav boss guide and best keys for the map. However, there are specific measures we can take to familiarize ourselves with the unforgiving nature of Interchange. Interchange's dark, gloomy and desolate setting emits feelings of bewilderment and overwhelms the player, forcing them to wander into the unknown resulting in a swift and brutal end. Interchange, being a "mega-mall," offers loot that makes scavengers froth at the mouth, the only issue is nobody knows how to find it. Whether you're running through the endless labyrinth looking for technology stores or simply running away from the scav boss, Killa, Interchange offers a complex and diverse experience seen on no other map.